Hello there, I hope this video inspires you and "No matter what YOU face you can beat the ODDS". Since April of 2011 until now I have spent about 300 days in the hospital in a couple different locations. In the moment I felt like I would rather die than continue to try to live. But, many things happened that showed me Life was worth Fighting for. During the test the teacher is always quiet, to allow you to grow intellectually. Well this has been a Long Exam, and has allowed me to grow emotionally, physically and spiritually.
My faith is one of the things that has grown the most. Thank GOD for that. I am not saying you have to believe in Jesus Christ, that's just who I believe in. He didn't go around hating others because they didn't believe he was the Messiah. Rather he loved everyone he came in contact with. Even saying that, I'm am very receptive to learning about other people's faith as learning allows us to grow even more.
You may wonder how I grew emotionally. Well for starters, I realized that feeling sorry for myself wasn't going to get me anywhere. That is not saying at times I didn't feel upset because I did, but never once was I angry over the fact that my body was failing and not one physician could put "the nail on the head". Yes, they figured out what some of my problems were; but not all of them. And yes, I got the looks from some physicians who thought I was doing this all to myself. I know you probably have heard that famous saying some physicians like to use when they can't solve the problem , "It's all in your head". It took my own intuition and digging to find out how to compliment all of the things the physicians treating me were giving me. It's the complimented approach that has allowed me to GET BACK UP!!!
I grew physically by learning how to break bad habits and form new ones. Bet you didn't know that it takes 6 months on avg. to start a plan and keep it. It also works in reverse, for example to get the bad effects out of your body from lets say Gluten (for those sensitive) it takes 6 months.
How do you cope with times when you feel like everything is not going the way you planned?
I do know you need some sort of FAITH to Battle Lifelong Diseases that sometimes have no cure or even clear diagnosis!!! So no matter what you believe in utilize your FAITH to get you through the hard times.
If you don't get anything from this just remember: